
Spell to Santa Lucia for eye problems

santa-lucia-via-resalibera-23An edicola votiva to Santa Lucia in her hometown of Syracuse.

When someone gets something in his eye, or his eyes suffer from a draft, this well-known spell is used in Grottole:

Santa Lucia minze o' mare steva  pponte d'altare recamava Passò o figghiuolo de Maria --Dimme, ce fa do, beata Lucia?  --Ce vol'esse maestro mio?  Na furia a l'uocchie m'è calata:  non pigghie ripose non notte non dì  --Va' al mi' orto, ca ngè pove è finocchie:  co le mie mane l'agghie chiantate; co le mie pede l'agghie pestate;  e co le mi' uocchie l'agghie benedisciute. 

(Saint Lucy was in the middle of the sea she was embroidering altar lace. Maria's son passed by: --Tell me, what are you doing here, blessed Lucy? --What am I supposed to do, my master? Blood has gone into my eyes: I don't get rest day or night. --Go to my garden, there's some fennel powder: I planted it with my own hands, I pounded it with my own feet And I blessed it with my eyes.)

Ernesto de Martino, Sud e Magia.